By using any of the methods for staining the concrete you fashion a semi-transparent shading that is unlike the effect of painting that gives a rather opaque look. It imparts the surface a natural look. You will find amazing natural designs and colors to demonstrate your creativity. It's just like playing around with stains. Just use a bit of your imagination and you'll be pleasantly surprised at the after-affects.
For a better look on the whole, you should sand blast the concrete prior to application of stain. The process of blasting takes away the murky carbonation and contributes to highlighting the normal patterns of concrete.
You may very simply vary the appearance of a concrete stain by diluting it. Naturally a lighter look will call for more dilution than a darker appearance. You could achieve similar variations of shades by mixing liquid soap with the decided stain.
You can really create some exclusive inimitable designs by following any of the simple procedures noted here.
A very simple trick to get vibrant color differences is to just apply a little powdered plant fertilizer randomly to some parts of the floor after the stain is on. Or you may just toss around a small quantity of corn flakes after the application of stain over the floor is on. You will find the results appealing.
Perhaps you would like to have a tie and dye kind of an effect! It can simply be achieved by placing pieces of cloth dipped in different vibrant or uniform colors on the surface. Likewise you may try using strings to get the desired colorful patterns on concrete.
A very natural and attractive effect may be achieved by plummeting fern fond leaves into the concrete stain by just inserting them into the concrete.
Spraying a second color of stain to certain areas of the floor can create a cool effect. This will help to give the impression of a natural stone.